A Model 4 Hire Blog

How to Organize Digital Photos in 6 Easy Steps

13 July 2022 - by Photo Contest Insider

How to Organize Digital Photos in 6 Easy Steps

Many people have pictures stored on multiple devices, spread across their phones, cameras, and laptops. This lack of organization can make it hard to find images when you need them. Fortunately, you can follow these expert tips and learn how to organize digital photos.

How to Organize Digital Photos in 6 Easy Steps

  1. Choose One Place to House All Your Photos
  2. Know Your Photo Inputs, Outputs, and Workflow
  3. Delete Unwanted Photos
  4. Define Your Folders
  5. Identify Your File Naming Conventions
  6. Use Metadata

Today, many people are looking for ways to organize and simplify their lives. There are dozens of books with smart strategies to address physical clutter in our homes. But what about digital clutter? Many of us don’t pay as much attention to digital asset organization since it’s not visible every day.

If you love photography, you’ve probably felt the pains of not having a photo organizing system for your digital pictures. The good news is that you can find a solution to this very common problem. Dedicate some time to learning how to organize digital photos and apply these proven principles

Read the full article here

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