HSBC Scam warnings30 October 2022 - by Admin
HSBC Scam warnings
HSBC has created a blog for their customers to check which shows what current scams are doing the rounds which could affect their customers. It's worth a read even if you are not an HSBC customer as it gives valuable advice which could save you from becoming the scammers next victim. So if someone calls you out of the blue on your phone, text or e-mail stop and make sure it's real. DOn't forget that telephone numbers for calls and texts can be spoofed if you want to find out more about number spoofing have a look at this online account by Ofcom Don't forget if you think you have fallen victim report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit Action fraud hold a lot of information you may also want to read to help you through.
Tell your family about what has happened don't leave it too late even if the scammers say don't tell anyone! Report it!
Read the full HSBC article here
If you don't want to click the link it's here just copy and paste if you prefer.
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