A Model 4 Hire Blog

Focus On More With Focus Stacking

16 May 2020 - by Nathan Wake

Learn how to master the technique of focus stacking with FUJIFILM product specialist, Nathan Wake. This clever technique is great for macro photography or product photography and produces some very pleasing results.

OK so I have your attention so what is focus stacking.

Focus stacking or focus bracketing, as it is also known, is where you shoot multiple images of one subject with a slight change in focus point. These images can then be ‘stacked’ to create an image that keeps the key elements in focus, even though it had to be shot with a shallow depth of field.
It’s really handy when shooting macro photography where, even at smaller apertures, depth-of-field can be very limited. Focus bracketing can also be very effective when shooting landscapes to ensure your scene is pin-sharp from front to back.

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