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Top \ Directories \ Software
Graphics editing program gives more freedom, speed, and power to make incredible images real. And now, you can design for screens faster than ever with real-time image asset generation powered by new Adobe® Generator.
Tags photoshop · adobe · photo editor
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2013/12/21  | 1208 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
Top \ Directories \ Software \ Apps
Photo editing made fun, fast, and easy. Touch your way to better-looking iPhone pictures using slide bar adjustments, or let automatic one-touch fixes do it for you. Share with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram, or text/email.
Tags photoshop · ios · iphone · ipad · ipod · free
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2015/06/14  | 997 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
Top \ Directories \ Software
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 makes everything about digital photography easier. Efficiently organize all your photos and share them almost anywhere. Lightroom is good for managing large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.
Tags organize · post production
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2013/12/21  | 1178 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
Top \ Directories \ Software
GIMP is a raster editor, which means that it performs operations directly on the pixels that make up the image, and not a vector editor. Other (proprietary) raster editors include Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro and the humble Microsoft Paint.
Tags alternative to photoshop · paintshop pro · ms paint
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2013/07/21  | 1228 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
Total: 4  Displaying: 1 - 4  Pages: 1

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