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Top \ Directories \ Software
qDslrDashboard is a cross platform application for controlling Nikon, Canon and Sony cameras. It uses the PTP and PTP/IP protocol to communicate with the connected DSLR camera. Currently available for Android, iOS, Linux, OSX and Windows.
Tags app
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2020/01/14  | 590 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
Top \ Directories \ Software \ Apps
Provides a FLAT VIEW COMPASS and an AUGMENTED REALITY CAMERA 3-D VIEW showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its winter and summer solstice paths, rise and set times and more and a MAP VIEW showing solar direction for each daylight hour.
Tags android · ios
Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2015/06/07  | 972 hits  no rating Report Broken Share
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